Wednesday, May 21, 2008


After I left in December, 5 new kids were placed in the Home. Michelle was 9 months old and 6 lbs. when she arrived (aka I could have eaten her when I was born). She has vastly improved health wise in the past 3 months, but is still only 7 lbs. 4 oz. She recently has started receiving growth hormone injections and Kendon and Wendy hope to bring her with them to the US in June to visit a geneticist. She is possibly the smallest person that I have ever met and one of the cutest. Please pray that the judge will award her the visa that she needs to be able to visit the US and that the doctors there are able to prescribe the most effective treatment. Also pray that she continues to gain weight and develop mentally.

Pictures don't begin to do justice in showing how small she is, but here is one of her about a week after her first birthday.

1 comment:

Peter said...

She is very cute but maybe she has primordial dwarfism? Anyways I hope you are doing well down there.