Tuesday, May 27, 2008


One of my favorite things last time was when the kids would come to me when they got hurt or sick. So far 6 year- old Randy, who is new since I've been here last and extremely accident prone, has come to get scraped knees and elbows and heads bandaged more in the last two weeks than some of the kids in the whole 4 months I was here. His tears always change quickly into the cutest smile you've ever seen. Today, after he tripped while running, he was asking me what the different things I was doing were and then started to take charge, instructing me on how to clean and bandage his knee (the water is too cold, put the band aid in this direction, etc.). When I told him about the anti-bacterial cream, he said, I don't think we'll use that. When I told him that it was important, he looked up at me with huge eyes and with his little voice said, but will it hurt?

Maybe that's what happens with our heavenly Father. When we get a little more confident, we start directing, because we think we know best and we want to avoid pain. When God asks us to do something difficult, we look up and say, but will it hurt? The reality though is that God is looking out for our best interest in the long run, which sometimes means facing things that are uncomfortable for us. Thankfully our Lord is patient!

words of the day:

Curita (coo- ree- tah)- band aid

Curito (coo- ree- toe)- Hymn

densitometría ósea (den-see-toe-mae-tree-ah O-say-ah)- bone density test

hígado (E-gah-doe)- liver


cb said...

hey danelle, this is a lovely and insightful post. praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Did I take that picture? Well, if I didn't, I still know that face well. Aw. I miss him. And you. And I appreciate your insights into what it must be like for God to bear with us so patiently.