Monday, July 14, 2008


On Sunday, ten of our kids got baptized: Astrid, Yami, Emily, Iris, Ibet, Juan, Kevin, Giovani, Oscar, and Jans. I feel like this was a pretty big step for them and was excited to get to see it. After the service, we went out to dinner with them. We waited a long time for our food, so I got to talk to 18 year- old Ibet for awhile. I’m always amazed at how sometimes talking about nothing important can be such a special time.
The drive home was pretty eventful. It started to pour when we were in the church. When we left, the streets had all flooded. I couldn’t believe how fast it did. Luckily, we were in a van so we were able to plow through. We saw several cars stranded in the road or pulled over on higher ground. I found it a little ironic that we went from watching submerged kids to submerged cars. God kept us safe though and we made it to the restaurant without incident.

Words of the Day:
Felicidades (feh- lee- see- dah- des)- congratulations
bautismo (bahwu- teez- mo)- baptism
EspĂ­ritu Santo (es- pee- ree-too sahn- toe)- Holy Spirit

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