Monday, July 14, 2008

Randy… otra vez

I know that I already blogged about Randy, but he is just so cute that I had to again. Each kid that got baptized got to invite a friend. Randy’s sister, Iris, invited him. After asking a lot of questions about what would happen, he said, alright I’ll go, but I’m NOT getting in the water. He’s so bright and sunny, but is easily upset and a little accident prone. You can tell right away by his little pouty face that someone has made him mad, but all I have to do is wink at him real big and his illuminating smile returns. He has a little bit of a speech impediment so, along with it being REALLY difficult to understand him (he says Ts instead of Cs for one), he calls me Aniela (instead of Daniela). He also has developed the habit of yelling my name when there is a big group of us and he can’t find me (like in the movie theater). His little voice makes me want to run to him and scoop him up. If I react like this, how much more does our Savior want to run to us and protect us when we call out to Him?
On a less fun note, I would like to ask you to pray fervently about something that has really been on my heart the last few weeks. One kid is going through a hard time right now. I’m really struggling to figure out the best way to minister to him and feel like I’ve been failing pretty miserably lately. Please pray for wisdom and discernment, because the situation seems to be getting worse each day. My heart breaks for him and I want so badly to take away his pain. I know that this is something that only God can do and I am trying to trust that He will make all things beautiful in His time. I know that God loves this kid more than I can even imagine.

Words of the Day:
Sonrisa (sohn- ree- sah)- smile
Cine (seen- A)- movie theater
Película (pay- lee- coo- lah)- movie
Lica (lee- kah)- the slang word for movie

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