Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Weekend in the Hospital

This weekend turned out a little differently than I expected. Instead of making chocolate chip pancakes and pizza, going to McDonald's with the kids that passed all their classes this marking period, having a gringo game night, and watching Hairspray and painting finger nails like I had planned, I spent two nights in the hospital.
Friday, I was still feeling very nauseous and not able to eat, so I went to a different doctor in Villa Nueva. The doctor here told me that he thought that I had typhoid fever and he wanted me to spend the night to be treated for that and dehydration (my heart rate was at 41). The directors of the Home decided that they wanted me to stay at Herrera Llerandi (the best hospital in Guatemala), which is in the middle of Guatemala City. Here, they ruled out typhoid fever and said that I probably had some kind of virus. It was a really frustrating, slightly boring three days, however, different interns and staff came to visit and rotated staying with me, which put me so much more at ease. All the nursing staff and doctors were incredibly nice (one doctor even spoke English). Several of them called me "conchi", which means blondie (no I have not dyed my hair recently). We watched a lot of movies (one nurse sat with us for a little bit and we turned on the Spanish subtitles) and everyone was so incredibly nice, so it wasn't horrible and it was really good for practicing Spanish, but I'm glad to be back home. I felt like I might not make it. First, my discharge paper were missing, I thought that I misplaced my wallet, and then Staci and Lee had a little trouble disarming the car alarm so we could start the car (at this point I was ready to get out and push). The first thing Sammy said to me was, are you feeling better? And then, when can we make pancakes? Edgar asked me when we are going to make pizza. He said, I waited for you on Friday, but you never came. Everyone was so sweet and asked how I was doing and I had a pile of cards from the kids on my bed when I got home. It reminded me that so often these kids minister to me so much more than I am able to minister to them.
I'm still pretty nauseated, so if you could continue to pray that I would fully recover that would be much appreciated. Also pray for patience. I was supposed to leave for Antigua today to attend language school for two weeks with the other interns, but was not able to go. Wendy said that I might be able to go in the middle of the week, but will probably have to wait till next week or not at all. I'm anxious to improve my Spanish, but at the same time I'm glad that I get to spend more time with the kids. Pray that I will use this unexpected time with them wisely.
Thanks again for your prayers. My mother said that she received a flood of emails from people who were praying for me.

Night #1 with Rebecca, the intern that slept with me both nights.

Words of the Day: suero (sue- where- o)- IV
virus (vere- oos)- virus
fiebre tifoidea (fE- A-breA tea- foi- day- ah)- typhoid fever
deshidratado (dAs- he- drah- tah- doe)- dehydrated
panza (pahn- zah)- Guatemalan slang word for stomach

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